
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Saturday Snips

I hope everyone is having a GREAT weekend! We are busy with relaxing. :) We helped one of our daughters move some things into her new apartment, did some grocery shopping, grilled some burgers and brawts (is that how you spell that?), and watched a movie. It's about that time of day when I just want to curl up and read, read, read. Hopefully I'll get some crafting done at some point this weekend. Have a great night everyone! (This is a pic of me and my mom on my birthday, July 1st. I look a little rough, but that's okay.)


  1. Janis, I cried when I saw this picture of you and you Mama.... It reminded me just how precious mine was...hug her for me please.

    Oh, I'm home ,we drove 1 hours yesterday and had a blow out. Luckily we were pulling into a rest stop when it happened. Good to be home.
    I will get your pay it forward out this week.

  2. What a precious picture of you and your Mom. I cried too, just like Lizzy. Please give your Mom a hug from me too. Glad you're having a relaxing weekend. No drywall!

  3. Hi Janis
    Sounds like you had a lovely weekend and what a great photo of you and your mum..

    Have used one of your images for a new DT I have joined but it won't be on show until the new challenge on Wednesday!!! LOl

